LAC’s future depends on demonstrated public support.
Please send this letter below (or similar) to your friends and colleagues.
Dear Friend,
We need your help now more than ever!
We are still trying to get information from the County regarding the future of LAC, its studios, and programs. The surrounding community overwhelmingly supports our presence the area. They, along with other community groups, artists, and arts advocates, value LAC as a vital asset. Please help us to convince County decision-makers to support our goal of preserving the LAC program in its current location.
Chances are that you visited, worked at, or have heard about the LAC (formerly known as the Lee Arts Center within the Lee Community Center). COVID closed LAC in 2020, but it is now open temporarily and provisionally. There is one huge problem: it will be shuttered for good when the first of the building’s systems fail, an imminent concern due to a long history of deferred maintenance. LAC’s future depends on demonstrated public support, which you can facilitate by sharing the following information with your friends and colleagues, asking them to contact the County Board and the County Manager.
LAC’s benefits to the community make it worth far more than what it costs to operate. Its 40-year history of public engagement has provided enrichment and encouraged expression throughout the community. For years, it was the site of the Arlington High School Apprenticeship Program in the Arts, as well as teacher-training workshops, and after-school art programs. LAC ran a gallery with rotating exhibitions of visiting and resident artists. Open houses and art sales were a popular opportunity to learn about the disciplines, as well as to purchase a purchase a piece of art to take home.
No other community studio in Arlington (or the metro area) offers the access and selection of equipment found at LAC. It has been the place for artists to develop skills learned elsewhere and a critical resource for recent graduates of university art programs. Frequent workshops led by nationally and internationally known artists were open to all.
We believe that LAC is a vital community asset. There is no mention of LAC in Arlington's Cultural Affair's planning. You can help us change that by signing our petition and writing to the County Board, Manager, and other decision-makers. Your support in the form of letters/email to the Board ( 703-228-3130), the County Manager (, and other decision-makers is important. Please see for more information.
Thank you for your consideration.