Brief Description Suitable for Social Media or News letters

LAC Community Studios and Event Space

LAC (formerly known as the Lee Arts Center within the Lee Community Center) is located at the corner of Langston Blvd and Lexington Street. For more than 40 years prior to its 2020 closing, it provided artists and the community with open studios, educational opportunities, and sponsored art events for all of Arlington citizens.

The studios have heavy and expensive equipment, printing presses, kilns, wheels, and other gear, that most artists cannot afford or have space for in their homes. Access to these studios give artists, creative hobbyists, and those who want to learn new skills, as well as recent graduates of university art programs, a place to work and grow.

LAC hosted workshops, art exhibitions, and sales — all open to the community — as well as the Arlington High School Apprentice program and printmaking classes for APS art teachers.

The butterfly garden on the grounds was designed as a natural landscape with Virginia-native plants. It attracts an abundance of pollinators and birds and is a sanctuary for both human and animal visitors.

Even with substantial community support for the facility and its programming, County management has no apparent plans for its future. We need your help to convince them that this unique resource should remain open.

Please sign our petition at